New kid's book lets bacteria tell hygiene story

2009 03 20 10 52 26 597 Picnic Book
2009 03 20 10 52 26 597 Picnic Book
There's a Picnic in Your Mouth, written by Patrica Varano, D.D.S.

A New York dentist is hoping her new book, There's a Picnic in Your Mouth, will help boost pediatric awareness of, and compliance with, oral hygiene.

In the book, Patrica Varano, D.D.S., introduces readers to Marty, Sylvia, and Harry, "a trio of entertaining bacteria living inside the mouth of a little boy named Charlie," according to a press release from Dr. Varano. "These comical microorganisms are enjoying a feast and making themselves at home, thanks to Charlie's aversion to brushing his teeth." Fortunately for Charlie, Dr. Varano notes, his aunt is a dentist and stresses the importance of oral care by teaching Charlie a game to combat the bacteria in his mouth.

"I truly believe that if a child understands why things are happening, they will be more compliant," Dr. Varano said in the release. "I took the truth of how and why a cavity forms and simplified it so that even the youngest child could understand and be motivated to clean his or her teeth."

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