AMD launches soft-tissue diode laser

2009 04 14 09 31 57 118 2009 04 14 Picasso Laser
2009 04 14 09 31 57 118 2009 04 14 Picasso Laser
The Picasso diode laser. Image courtesy of PRNewsFoto/AMD Lasers.

Having gained FDA clearance for soft-tissue applications last month, AMD Lasers has now launched the Picasso diode laser to the U.S. dental industry.

The Picasso is designed for a wide range of endodontic, periodontic, and dental surgery procedures, according to the company. It is also being used to help sterilize canals in endodontics, treat periodontal disease, and aid in tooth whitening.

Features include a touchscreen interface, continuous and pulse modes, eight customizable presets, adjustable aiming beam, U.S. and international power compatibility, and a three-year warranty. The laser also offers a multilanguage menu, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and most European languages.

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