Ill. dentist and assistant arrested on misconduct charges

An Illinois dentist who allegedly directed a dental assistant during dental procedures she was not qualified to perform was arrested along with the assistant earlier this week and booked into the Macon County Jail, according to a news story in the Herald & Review.

Kenneth P. Webb, D.D.S., 51, and dental assistant Tamara Younker, 48, who formerly worked at the Macon County Health Department, were arrested on preliminary charges of official misconduct, aggravated battery, unlawful practice of dentistry, reckless conduct, and theft of more than $300, according to the story.

Officials claim that Younker removed teeth, performed ridge work, placed silver fillings, and injected numbing agents.

"All dental employees stated they were afraid if they said anything that Dr. Webb would get them fired," according to a sworn statement by Macon County Sheriff's Office detective Jay Lawler. "Dental employees stated that Tammy told them all of the time that if anyone ever asked any questions to 'lie lie lie' and they never saw her do a thing to the patients."

Dr. Webb received a Healthy Smiles Hero Award from Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn for providing care to underserved people in 2007, according to the story. But some low-income patients who were treated at the clinic told investigators that he had an unprofessional and callous manner.

Both dentist and assistant are scheduled to be arraigned on May 7 in Macon County Circuit Court, the story concluded.

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