Mo. dental practice gives young hero free care

A dental practice in Missouri performed a free root canal on a 10-year-old boy who tried to save his mother's car from rolling into traffic when she fell ill.

On September 9, Damarcus Maple's mother felt a seizure coming on while driving with Damarcus down a Kansas City highway, according to a report by Fox 4 Kansas City. She pulled the car to the side of the road but was unable to put it into park, and it began to roll backward.

Damarcus jumped out and tried to push the car from behind to prevent it from drifting into traffic, chipping his front tooth on the trunk in the process, according to Fox 4. But he was able to wave down a passerby who called the police for help.

When Fox 4 ran a story about the young man's heroic efforts, Mary Dupree, a dental assistant at Gardner Dental Care, saw the report and wanted to help when she heard the family lacked insurance to get Damarcus' teeth fixed. So she contacted him, offering to have Damarcus come in for a free root canal and a filling, which he did.

When he gets older, Gardner Dental Care has pledged to provide the crown he'll need as well, Fox 4 reported.

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