Survey: 'Staggering' lack of oral cancer awareness in U.K.

A survey conducted by the British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) has revealed an alarming lack of awareness about the causes and symptoms of oral cancer, one of the U.K.'s fastest-growing cancers, the organization announced.

The answers from more than 1,000 members of the public who were questioned in the survey -- conducted during Mouth Cancer Action Month and supported by Denplan -- revealed that there is only limited knowledge and understanding of this potentially deadly disease. One person in 10 claimed not even to have heard of mouth cancer, despite the recent high-profile case of actor Michael Douglas's battle with advanced oropharyngeal cancer.

The survey results showed that more than a third of those who participated dramatically underestimated the prevalence of the disease by answering that oral cancer was responsible for one death every day in the U.K. In fact, oral cancer causes a death in the U.K. every five hours and is now responsible for more deaths than cervical and testicular cancer combined, the BDHF noted.

"It is vital that the public have a greater awareness because survival rates increase massively with early detection, from just 50% to 90%," said the foundation's chief executive, Nigel Carter, B.D.S., in a press release. "The public needs to be aware of the risk factors and whether they are in a high-risk group, and how they can self-examine or who they can turn to if they're concerned."

The survey results also revealed that older people are the most aware of oral cancer, with more than 96% of those interviewed saying that they had heard of it.

"This sounds good, as the majority of cases occur in the over 50s, but now that more young people are being diagnosed with mouth cancer, it is important that everyone is aware of the problem," Dr. Carter added. "The survey also shows that women are more aware of the disease than men -- yet men are twice as likely as women to suffer with mouth cancer."

Oral cancer rates in the U.K. increased by 10% since only a year ago to roughly 6,000 new cases per year, according to the BDHF. In a 10-year period, rates have increased by more than 40%. Statistically worldwide, an estimated 405,000 new cases are diagnosed each year, and more than two-thirds of U.K. cases are detected at a late stage.

November is Mouth Cancer Action Month in the U.K. "If in doubt ... get checked out" is the program's slogan. The dental team has a vital role to play in carrying out opportunistic screening at every recall visit and using this opportunity to educate their patients about oral cancer, risk factors, and self-awareness and examination, the BDHF said.

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