Dentist climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise awareness, money for diabetes

A Kentucky dentist will climb Mount Kilimanjaro to raise awareness and money for diabetes on behalf of his wife who has diabetes.

Louisville dentist David Shorten, DMD, will set out next week to scale the 19,341-foot mountain in Tanzania, Africa's highest peak.

The fundraising trip was inspired by Dr. Shorten's wife, Carol Kulp-Shorten, MD, a dermatologist who has type 1 diabetes.

During the eight-day climb, Dr. Shorten will trek through conditions ranging from desert to jungle to arctic cold before reaching the summit on February 2.

Dr. Shorten is paying for the trip, but supporters, including friends, family, and patients, have been donating money to the American Diabetes Association through its Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes campaign to further awareness and research. So far, the effort has generated more than $8,000 in donations, according to Dr. Shorten's fundraising page.

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